Separating needs from wants

Separating needs from wants

Even those of us who have been paragons of responsibility for 51 weeks of the year can be tempted to take a budgeting holiday when Christmas and the summer vacation roll around. Unlike overindulging at the Christmas lunch, this has more than short-term consequences. 

Music to your ears

Music to your ears

Would Christmas be the same for you without the smooth croon of Crosby and Sinatra around the BBQ? Or carols along the most decorative boulevards of your neighbourhood? Or perhaps you are more likely to wince every time ‘All I Want for Christmas Is You’ comes on for the third time only to remind you…

Embracing spontaneity

Embracing spontaneity

When was the last time you did something completely out of the blue? As in, really unexpected? We’re not talking a cheeky extra shot in your morning coffee, or wearing a ‘fun’ shirt to an important meeting. When was the last time you went somewhere new for dinner, just because? Or ignored your GPS and…

The lost art of conversation

The lost art of conversation

When was the last time you had a lengthy chat to a friend over the phone or, rarer still, a decent face-to-face catch up? Remember spending time with a loved one making the most of precious hours having saved up every story, anecdote and interesting conversation starter up your sleeve? Nowadays the bulk of our…

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