Centaur Financial Services

Centaur Financial Services is a leading financial planning firm on the Gold Coast, earning some of the best awards and recognition within the financial advice industry. We are recognised for working one-on-one with our clients to help deliver the best outcomes for their current and future needs.

Securing your future is about so much more than just managing money. At Centaur, we use a proven approach integrating all aspects of your life, goals and values, putting a plan in place that works and committing to reviewing your plan along the way.

centaur approach

At Centaur, we work as your financial partner to support you and advise you on this journey with a solid commitment to long-term planning, respecting the uniqueness of every situation and promoting financial education.

While our primary goal is to help you reach your goals, our expertise is in the initial and ongoing advice on financial strategies, asset allocation and asset management. We spend a great deal of time as active investors. All investments we recommend have been rigorously researched to ensure they meet our requirements of asymmetric risk reward, liquidity, cost, compliance and, in some instances, their approach to socially responsible investing.

We cannot do it alone, and we recognise this. We are a privately owned firm that recognises that to get the best outcomes for our clients, we need to work with likeminded firms who are the best at what they do, and we, therefore, set out to have strategic alliances with accounting, banking, estate planning, insurance, legal and real estate firms.

We are a Gold Coast-based firm with clients all around Australia. We ‘think globally, act locally’, meaning we don’t just view domestic opportunities for our clients but global opportunities. Having a global mindset in all things enables us to source the latest ideas and strategies for our clients. We seek out international and domestic managers, using leading investment strategies to help build dynamic and robust portfolios for our clients.

Our Commitment to You

Throughout Centaur’s existence, we have provided our clients with intelligent and informed insights into their individual positions so they can have peace of mind knowing they are moving in a straight line towards their goals.

Charities and Causes we support

Part of being a community member is supporting others, and at Centaur, we believe in helping where we can.