Contractor or employee - Which are you

Contractor or employee: Which are you?

February 4, 2021
With COVID-19 having a significant impact on traditional employment, many people are working as a contractor for the first time either by choice or necessity. It’s not just a lifestyle decision; from the tax and superannuation perspective, there are important differences between being an employee and a contractor. For employers, you also need to recognise…
Turning redundancy into opportunity

Turning redundancy into opportunity

February 4, 2021
As the economy starts to recover from COVID-19 shutdowns, some sectors may take longer than others to return to their normal operating capacity and some companies may never fully recover. That means there is still the chance that some employees could be made redundant. If you are offered redundancy, how can you turn a potentially…

Tax-effective ways to boost your super

December 10, 2020
After a year when the average superannuation balance fell slightly or, at best, moved sideways, the summer holidays could be a good opportunity to think about ways to rebuild your savings while being mindful of tax. With the Reserve Bank reducing interest rates to record lows and not anticipating a rise until 2024, it’s more…

Making your savings work harder

November 10, 2020
With tax cuts and stimulus payments on the way, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is urging us to open our wallets and spend to kick start the national economy. But if your personal balance sheet could do with a kick along, then saving and investing what you can, also makes sense. One positive from this COVID-19 induced…

Granny flats: tax tips and traps

November 10, 2020
The idea of adding a granny flat to your property sounds like a great idea. A property to rent out to generate some welcome extra income, or a home for adult children or mum and dad in their later years. But there are important tax and personal considerations to consider before taking the plunge and…

Federal Budget 2020-21 Analysis

October 13, 2020
Building a bridge to recovery In what has been billed as one of the most important budgets since the Great Depression, and the first since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic dragged Australia into its first recession in almost 30 years, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said the next phase of the journey is to secure Australia’s…

Paying taxes and maximising tax deductions

August 11, 2020
Tax time can feel stressful; however, paying close attention to allowable deductions may lower the tax you need to pay on your tax return. Here are some allowable deductions you may wish to consider when preparing your next return. While every person’s financial circumstances are unique, it can be helpful to be aware of some…

Super changes add flexibility

August 5, 2020
Just when you thought you had a grip on the superannuation rules, they change again. This time though, the changes are mostly positive, especially for older super members keen to top up their savings. From 1 July 2020, changes came into effect with the potential to help retirees as well as members suffering financial hardship…

Family trusts under ATO scrutiny

July 13, 2020
Family trusts have stood the test of time as a means of protecting family and business wealth, and managing the distribution of trust income in a tax-effective way. But the misuse of these tax benefits by a small minority periodically puts trusts in the firing line of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). With the ATO’s…

Tax Alert June 2020

June 30, 2020
With COVID-19 dominating everyone’s thoughts, employers are being offered a brief window of opportunity to get their tax affairs in order with the new Superannuation Guarantee (SG) amnesty. There is also a range of virus related assistance on offer to help affected business and individual taxpayers.  Here’s a roundup of some of the latest tax…

How COVID-19 changes tax time

June 30, 2020
As this financial year draws to a close, it will be viewed as a year like no other. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has impacted everybody’s life, albeit in different ways for different people. For some, staying at home has meant you have greater savings; for others, the virus has meant lower wages or even the prospect of…

Instant asset write-off extended

June 23, 2020
To further support Australian businesses through the fallout resulting from COVID-19, the government has extended the $150,000 instant asset write-off for an additional six months to 31 December 2020.  Initially announced on 12 May and intended to last until 30 June, the government’s $17.6bn stimulus package in part temporarily increased the threshold of the instant…

End of Financial Year checklist

June 4, 2020
It always takes some planning to get your finances in order for the end of financial year, and this year may look a little different, come June 30. The COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted your circumstances and therefore your situation could be looking different to normal.  Perhaps you have been working from home, your wages…

New tax shortcut for employees working from home

May 6, 2020
With many people now working from home because of COVID-19, some of the expenses your employer normally pays – such as electricity, heating and cooling – are now coming out of your wallet. Although some employers may provide a daily allowance to help with these additional costs, if you’re not receiving anything it’s important to…

Accelerated depreciation deductions to benefit businesses

April 20, 2020
The Government has accelerated depreciation deductions for the next 15 months. Up until June 30, 2021, businesses turning over less than $500 million will be able to deduct 50 per cent of the cost of any eligible asset the moment it’s installed. It’s predicted these two tweaks to the investment rules could benefit up to…

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