To sell or not to sell is the question for moving into aged care

July 1, 2024
Moving into residential aged care can trigger a range of emotions, particularly if it involves the sale of the family home. What is often a major financial asset, is also one that many people believe should be either kept in the family or its value preserved for future generations. Whether or not the home has…

Caught in the middle: help for the sandwich generation

May 1, 2024
If you are feeling a bit like the meat in the sandwich you are not alone. The ‘sandwich generation’ is a growing social phenomenon that impacts people from all walks of life, describing those at a stage of their lives where they are caring for their offspring as well as their elderly parents. The phenomenon…
Gold Coast FInancial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 67

March 1, 2023
With Autumn underway, the changing season is a reminder to take stock and prepare for what’s ahead as the financial year heads towards its final quarter and the May Federal Budget. The gloomy prospects for economic growth, both in Australia and overseas, are occupying the minds of investors, businesses and political leaders. The Reserve Bank…
Gold Coast FInancial Planners

Star ratings for Aged Care help make family choices easier

March 1, 2023
Moving into aged care can be a challenging time, both for those making the move and families supporting their loved ones. It’s understandable that everyone wants to find the most suitable accommodation and the appropriate standard of care, however, it can be confusing to make that choice. A new star rating system for aged care is giving…
The Rich Life Vol 60

The Rich Life Vol 60

August 2, 2022
It’s August and as winter draws to a close there’s snow in the Alps and the wattle is blooming. Many Australians will soon receive a sizeable tax refund, if they haven’t already, which should help ease those rising cost-of-living blues. Rising inflation and interest rates were the focus of attention in July. The US Federal…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

A guide to Aged Care at home

August 2, 2022
As we get older, most of us want to remain independent and in our own home for as long as possible, but this can be challenging without some help with household tasks and personal care. Recognising this, the government runs a Home Care Packages program where approved aged care service providers work with individuals to…

Aged care payment options

September 2, 2021
When it comes time to investigate residential aged care for yourself, your partner, parent or…
aged care financial planngin gold coast financial advisor

Retirement villages: look beyond the brochure

October 3, 2017
They are marketed as being the optimum lifestyle choice for recent retirees, often in ideal locations with all the facilities for a stress-Complimentary lifestyle. But with complex fee structures and inconsistent regulation, retirement village living should be approached with caution.

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