What’s all the noise about loud budgeting?

May 1, 2024
Loud budgeting is a trend that may have started as a joke but is being embraced by those who want to share their financial goals and priorities and in doing so, also improve their chances of achieving them. It was comedian and writer Lukas Battle who brought the term “loud budgeting” to the world in…

When enough is never enough

October 2, 2023
How much is enough? It’s a good question. Our relationship with our finances can be a tricky one. Everyone has a different idea of how much it takes to be comfortable or even well off. Given it is something that has such a strong influence on how we live our lives it’s unsurprising that money,…
April 2022 Newsletter

The Rich Life Vol 56

March 31, 2022
Welcome to an early Federal Budget edition of our April newsletter. As the Morrison Government clears the decks ahead of a May election, Australians will be weighing up the impact on their household budgets. The war in Ukraine added a major new source of uncertainty to the local and global economic outlook in March. Economic…
Budgeting steps

Budgeting for success in 4 easy steps

March 31, 2022
With all eyes on the Federal Budget and balancing the nation’s books, it’s a good time to review your personal balance sheet. If it’s not as healthy as you would like, perhaps it’s time to do a little budget repair of your own. Just as governments need to set policy objectives and budget for future…

One in five of us feel peer pressure to spend. Here are four tips to help – The New Daily

March 18, 2022
Hugh joins Sezen Bakan as he shares some knowledge and tips in The New Daily article, ‘One in five of us feel peer pressure to spend. Here are four tips to help’. According to The New Daily, one in five Australians have gone into debt or spent more than they can afford to keep up…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Most millennials don’t have a savings plan. Here’s how to build one – The New Daily

June 17, 2021
Hugh chatted with Matthew Elmas of The New Daily to discuss and share some knowledge and insights about Millennials, budgeting, goals, and savings plans. According to The New Daily, new research from Commonwealth Bank shows a worrying 61 percent of Australians aged 24 to 39 do not have a regular savings plan, and 14 percent said…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Netflix is cracking down on account sharing. This is one way to respond – The New Daily

June 16, 2021
Hugh recently chatted with Matthew Elmas of The New Daily to discuss and share some insights on Netflix. According to The New Daily, if you’ve watched Netflix lately you might have seen this unwelcome pop-up message: “If you don’t live with the owner of this account, you need your own account to keep watching.” It’s…

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