The Rich Life Vol 63

The Rich Life Vol 63

October 27, 2022
Welcome to our November newsletter. While the race that stops a nation is always a highlight of early November, on the economic front the Labor government’s first Budget, handed down in late October, has been a talking point. Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ first Budget was delivered against a backdrop of continuing turmoil on the global economic…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Federal Budget 2022-23: From a tax perspective

October 27, 2022
Quiet on the tax front, for now For once, tax measures took a back seat in a Federal Budget, with the second version for this year being billed as a “solid and sensible Budget suited to the times”. The October 2022 Budget resisted the recent trend to continually tinker with our tax system, but it…
Oct 22-23 Federal Budget

October 2022-23 Federal Budget Analysis

October 26, 2022
Budget October 2022: sign of the times In his first Budget, Treasurer Jim Chalmers’ emphasised the three Rs – responsible budget repair and restrained spending, right for the times. For good measure, resilience also got a mention with spending targeted at building a more modern economy to deal with the challenges ahead. This is the…

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