Insuring against loss of income

September 2, 2024
Protecting income from unexpected illness and injury is particularly important to anyone with a mortgage to service, small business owners and self-employed people with no sick leave available. With income protection insurance, you can be paid some 70 per cent of your income for a specified period to help when you cannot work.i The most…

The Rich Life Vol 79

March 1, 2024
After a summer of quite extreme weather in many places around Australia, we can hopefully look forward to the cooler, calmer weather that Autumn brings. While economic bright spots can be found in Australia right now, there are also some less than stellar results. On the positive, inflation has remained at a two-year low giving…

Insurance is a sound investment

March 1, 2024
Managing risk is an essential part of investment strategy to reduce the potential for losses. Risk is not just associated with investing though – life can throw a curve ball or two and insurance is one way to manage risk in a broader context. It’s a matter of weighing up your risks and thinking about…

The Rich Life Vol 73

September 12, 2023
September is upon us, and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into the garden or the great outdoors. Meanwhile, AFL and NRL fans will be hoping the sun shines on their team this finals season. After endless gloomy forecasts, there was a glimmer of hope last…

Should I buy Insurance through my super?

September 12, 2023
While we all hope for good health, the reality is that some of us may struggle at times with sickness or injury. And that may affect your family’s financial wellbeing. Different types of life insurance or personal insurance can provide an income when you’re unable earn or a lump sum to protect your loved ones…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 66

February 1, 2023
February marks the end of summer holidays for many of us and getting down to business for 2023. It can be a good time to reflect on plans and goals for the months ahead. From a business perspective, we are delighted to officially welcome Nick Georgopoulos to the team as our newest Financial Adviser. Nick…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Stepped vs level premiums: which is best?

February 1, 2023
These days, most people hold some form of life insurance in their super account. While this is a welcome safety net, the level of cover held this way is often inadequate. A Rice Warner study back in 2020 found that life cover within superannuation only met about 65-70 per cent of actual need.i With the…
The Rich Life Vol 61

The Rich Life Vol 61

September 1, 2022
Welcome to our Spring newsletter. September means it’s football finals season and hopefully the beginning of warmer weather despite the recent late winter chill. In August, the focus was on US Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell’s speech at the annual Jackson Hole business gathering on August 26, and he was blunt. To hose down talk…
Insurance Tax

How is my insurance taxed?

September 1, 2022
With the cost of living on the rise, it’s more important than ever to have a financial safety net that protects you and your family in case the unexpected happens. Most Australian employees have some form of life insurance, often through their superannuation fund, but many of us tend to set and forget. To make…

The Rich Life Vol 55

March 2, 2022
It’s March already which marks the beginning of Autumn. While this is traditionally the season when things cool down, the economic and political scene is gearing up with the Federal Budget later this month and a federal election expected by May. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in late February increased volatility on global financial markets and…
Feb 2022 Newsletter

The Rich Life Vol 54

February 2, 2022
It’s February and what a summer it’s been with success on the tennis court and the cricket pitch. Now that the kids are returning to school and we settle back into our ‘’new normal’’ routines, the new year begins in earnest. January is normally a quiet month on the economic scene, but not this year….
Insurance cover

Taking cover in changing times

February 2, 2022
The pandemic has changed the way so many of us live, with jobs, travel, and lifestyle all transformed during COVID. Now, as we start emerging on the other side, it may be a good idea to check whether these changes have impacted your life insurance needs. In some cases, you may require more coverage and…
January 22 Newsletter

The Rich Life Vol 53

January 25, 2022
It’s January and the start of a new year. Whether you are back at work or enjoying a summer break, we wish you all a Happy New Year and a return to normal life in 2022. The global economy and financial markets ended the year as they began, all over the place, as the world…

The Rich Life Vol 49

September 3, 2021
It’s September and spring is here, providing a welcome lift in spirits. After some spectacular…
Superannuation Cover

Don’t take super cover for granted

September 3, 2021
Buying insurance through super has many advantages, but you need to make sure you are getting the right cover for your individual needs. In some cases, you may be paying for nothing. Most super funds offer life and total and permanent disability (TPD) insurance to fund members and, in some cases, income protection cover. But…

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