The Rich Life Vol 83

July 1, 2024
Welcome to the new financial year! With the shortest day behind us, the longer days ahead will allow us to enjoy the outdoors, even if there’s still a need to rug up. The Centaur Team is thrilled to announce that Anthony Mirandilla, bringing over 17+ years of experience as a Financial Adviser, will join us…

The Rich Life Vol 82

June 3, 2024
With Winter now officially underway, some might be heading north to warm up and others may lean into the cold on the snowfields. Whichever you choose, don’t forget the approaching end of financial year. You may have seen all of the EOFY blogs that we have been sharing over the last few weeks to help…

The Rich Life Vol 81

May 1, 2024
As winter approaches and the weather grows cooler, commentary around the 2024-25 Federal Budget is heating up, with the government facing the tension between addressing cost of living pressures without contributing to rising inflation. The cost of living continues to bite with consumers keeping their wallets firmly closed. Retail sales fell 0.4% in March after…

The Rich Life Vol 80

April 2, 2024
It’s April already and as we head back to work after Easter, we hope you enjoyed a peaceful and relaxing holiday weekend. Expectations of interest rate cuts later this year in Australia and the United States are fuelling activity in the markets right now. The S&P/ASX 200 ended March on another all-time high. Mining shares…

The Rich Life Vol 78

February 9, 2024
As February kicks off and with the summer holidays behind us, many of us are settling back into our regular routines and it’s time to turn our focus to the year ahead. Cooling inflation and a strong economy with relatively low unemployment has sent investors back to Australian shares, with the S&P/ASX 200 hitting an…
Gold Coast Financial Planning

The Rich Life Vol 77

January 12, 2024
There is a lot to look forward to in 2024 and we would like to wish you good health, happiness and prosperity for the year ahead. There were some welcome positives to be found in 2023. The year ended on a good note for property investors in Perth, Adelaide and Brisbane where house prices rose…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 75

November 1, 2023
It’s November, and all eyes will be looking towards the “race that stops a nation” and the Reserve Bank who meet on the same day. As the days get longer as we head towards summer the countdown for the approaching holiday season begins. Investors are keeping a close eye on oil price movements over fears…

The Rich Life Vol 74

October 2, 2023
The warmer weather and spring rains are a welcome break from the colder months. And, while outside activities become more tempting, don’t forget to find a moment or two to review your finances to make sure you’re up-to-date and on-track. Household wealth has increased for the third quarter in a row. It rose by 2.6%…

The Rich Life Vol 73

September 12, 2023
September is upon us, and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into the garden or the great outdoors. Meanwhile, AFL and NRL fans will be hoping the sun shines on their team this finals season. After endless gloomy forecasts, there was a glimmer of hope last…

The Rich Life Vol 72

August 1, 2023
Welcome to our August newsletter and, with winter winding up and tax returns on the way for some, there may be sunnier days ahead. While the price of most goods and services continues to rise, the good news is the rate of increase is continuing to slow and the markets are beginning to breathe a…

The Rich Life Vol 71

July 4, 2023
Welcome to our July newsletter and, with a new financial year underway, it might be a good opportunity to review some of the recent changes to business and investment rules to make sure you’re on the right track. As the inflation rate begins to ease, with consumer inflation slowing to a 13 month low in…

The Rich Life Vol 70

June 1, 2023
Welcome to our June newsletter, as the winter sets in and the end of the financial year approaches, it’s a good chance to spend some time tidying up and reviewing your finances. Concerns that the Reserve Bank may lift interest rates this month, along with the drama over the US debt ceiling and the worry…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 69

May 9, 2023
As the days get shorter and temperatures begin to fall, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is working to complete his second Budget, due to be delivered this evening – Tuesday 9 May. All eyes were on the Reserve Bank board as it met prior to the Federal Budget to decide whether or not to increase the…
Gold Coast FInancial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 68

April 4, 2023
Welcome to our April newsletter, where the days are getting shorter and there is a bit of a nip in the air. Share markets in Australia and overseas have rallied to end the month in a better position as the global banking system steadies itself and there are expectations of a tempering in rate rises….
Gold Coast FInancial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 67

March 1, 2023
With Autumn underway, the changing season is a reminder to take stock and prepare for what’s ahead as the financial year heads towards its final quarter and the May Federal Budget. The gloomy prospects for economic growth, both in Australia and overseas, are occupying the minds of investors, businesses and political leaders. The Reserve Bank…

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