Gold Coast Financial Planners

9 tips for improving your profits

January 12, 2024
There are many advantages to running a small business. You have the flexibility and independence to make your own decisions, you can turn your vision into a reality and then reap the rewards. However, there are financial risks and it can be difficult to make a profit, particularly when times are tough and there is…

Keeping Cashflow Positive

September 15, 2023
Managing a healthy cash flow is often tough for small businesses and it is particularly the case right now in the challenging economic conditions. Many businesses are facing supply chain issues, utilities and wages costs are increasing, it is more expensive to borrow money and some sectors are suffering severe downturns. Strong cash flow is…

Cruising through the finish line

May 27, 2019
Tax tips for EOFY The end of financial year can sometimes feel like a race to the finish. To help you cruise through the finish line come June 30, we’ve prepared a handy list of tips for both businesses and individuals. Small business tips Pay expenses, delay income In most cases, it can be prudent…

Election 2019: A vote for continuity in an uncertain world

May 27, 2019
The Liberal/National Party Coalition has been returned to government, as Australians chose continuity over change and cautious economic management over Labor’s ambitious reform agenda. The Coalition is promising sweeping tax cuts for individuals and continuity for investors with no big changes to existing investment or superannuation policies. One of the first items of business for…

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