Extension of the JobSeeker program

Extension of the JobSeeker program

The Government is extending the Coronavirus Supplement to eligible recipients to 31 December 2020. The amount of the Supplement will be adjusted to reflect the gradually improved economic conditions and improving labour market. Both existing and new recipients eligible for the Coronavirus supplement will continue to be $550 per fortnight up to and including 24…

JobKeeper changes announced

JobKeeper changes announced

The JobKeeper Payment has been extended by a further six months to March 2021, targeting support to those organisations which continue to be significantly impacted by COVID-19. From 28 September 2020, eligibility for the JobKeeper Payment will be based on actual turnover in the relevant periods. The payment rate will be reduced, and a lower…

JobTrainer skills package

JobTrainer skills package

The Australian Government will invest $2 billion to provide hundreds of thousands of Australians with access to new skills by retraining and upskilling them into sectors with job opportunities, as the economy recovers from COVID-19.  The JobTrainer package has two aspects to it. The first aspect of the package, which is worth $1.5 billion, is…

A baby boomer’s retirement path

A baby boomer’s retirement path

Baby boomers are born consumers and love choice. For those unsure, a baby boomer is generally defined as those born just after World War II – 1946 to 1964. During these years, the number of babies born in most western nations, including Australia, was staggering.  Today, around 20% of Australia’s population is made up of…

Family trusts under ATO scrutiny

Family trusts under ATO scrutiny

Family trusts have stood the test of time as a means of protecting family and business wealth, and managing the distribution of trust income in a tax-effective way. But the misuse of these tax benefits by a small minority periodically puts trusts in the firing line of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). With the ATO’s…

Making your wishes known

Making your wishes known

While Australia’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was among the best in the world, the speed and spread of the illness underlined just how fragile life can be. It was also a solemn reminder of the importance of ensuring your affairs are in order, so your wishes are met – in life and death. The…

COVID-19 lockdowns inspire Australians to wipe off record levels of credit card debt in May – The New Daily

COVID-19 lockdowns inspire Australians to wipe off record levels of credit card debt in May – The New Daily

Hugh recently chatted with Matt Johnson of The New Daily to discuss spending and surviving through COVID-19 Excerpt below — Centaur Financial Services director Hugh Robertson said now is a time for households to enter “survival mode” to shore up their finances, instead of ramping up non-essential spending. “It’s good to see people reacting appropriately…

Tax Alert June 2020

Tax Alert June 2020

With COVID-19 dominating everyone’s thoughts, employers are being offered a brief window of opportunity to get their tax affairs in order with the new Superannuation Guarantee (SG) amnesty. There is also a range of virus related assistance on offer to help affected business and individual taxpayers.  Here’s a roundup of some of the latest tax…

How COVID-19 changes tax time

How COVID-19 changes tax time

As this financial year draws to a close, it will be viewed as a year like no other. COVID-19 (coronavirus) has impacted everybody’s life, albeit in different ways for different people. For some, staying at home has meant you have greater savings; for others, the virus has meant lower wages or even the prospect of…

Instant asset write-off extended

Instant asset write-off extended

To further support Australian businesses through the fallout resulting from COVID-19, the government has extended the $150,000 instant asset write-off for an additional six months to 31 December 2020.  Initially announced on 12 May and intended to last until 30 June, the government’s $17.6bn stimulus package in part temporarily increased the threshold of the instant…

The HomeBuilder program – government grants to eligible homebuilders and renovators

The HomeBuilder program – government grants to eligible homebuilders and renovators

The Government has announced the new HomeBuilder program to support jobs and boost demand in the residential construction sector at a time when the construction industry is facing extreme uncertainty.  Prime Minister Scott Morrison says this will drive a “tradie-led recovery” of the economy. HomeBuilder will provide all eligible owner-occupiers with a grant of $25,000…

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