Economic Stimulus Package – Payments to love income households and pensioners

April 20, 2020
As part of the Government’s series of measures to support the economy and individuals through the Coronovirus crisis, Newstart recipients, age pensioners and veterans are being provided with a one-off payment of $750. These payments started flowing into the bank accounts of 6.5 million (mainly) lower-income Australians from March 31. While most working Australians won’t…

JobKeeper Payment: What is it, how much and who is eligible

April 20, 2020
The Australian Government’s JobKeeper program is designed to help an estimated six million workers to retain their jobs through the crisis. Eligible employees will earn $1500 per fortnight. If you earn less than $1500 you will be ‘topped up’ to $1500 per fortnight. In order to be eligible you must be aged at least 16…

Coronavirus and Stimulus Packages

April 6, 2020
In these unprecedented times, we have seen an unprecedented response by both Commonwealth and State governments in efforts to keep the economy moving along, as well as keeping people livelihoods intact. Within Australia, the state and federal governments have rolled out billions of dollars in relief to try and limit the collateral damage to people’s…

Coronavirus Safety Net Expanded: What does it mean for you?

March 25, 2020
In a rapidly evolving response to the spread of COVID-19, the Federal Government’s second support package announced over the weekend has flicked the switch to more income support for retirees and workers. Between the first $17.6 billion package announced on March 12, and this latest $66.1 billion package, the emphasis has shifted from stimulus aimed…

Hold on – Bumpy markets ahead

March 2, 2020
After period of optimism, global investment markets have hit the panic button on fears about the possible economic impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19).  At times like these, it’s good to get some perspective. Australian shares rose 24 per cent last year, touching record highs, and 10 per cent a year over the past seven years….

Women and Money: Seize the day!

March 2, 2020
As the world celebrates International Women’s Day and all that women have achieved, it’s a good opportunity to take stock. Women have undoubtedly come a long way in terms of workplace participation, equal pay and financial independence, but there is still some way to go.  These days, women make up almost half the workforce although…

Hatching your nest egg early

March 2, 2020
The summer bushfires have touched the lives of all Australians. For individuals who lost homes, businesses or livelihoods, the financial hardship lingers, prompting many to ask whether they can dip into their super to tide them over. The short answer is generally no. According to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), there are very limited circumstances where you…

How does your insurance measure up?

February 11, 2020
As a tradie, you are largely dependent on your physical ability to earn a living. So, what would happen if you fell ill or had an accident? Would you be able to continue your current lifestyle? Most tradies work in a far more dangerous environment than any white-collared worker, so the chances of an accident…

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