Artificial intelligence – the future of finance

May 7, 2019
We often like to think of artificial intelligence as some fantasy of the distant future, the stuff of sci-fi movies. But the reality is, it’s already here. From flight comparison websites to predictive text, AI is everywhere, but what is it exactly?  AI is the development of computer systems that have the ability to perform…
Cyber safety, fraud, financial planning

How to spot a scam

May 7, 2019
Con artists make entertaining subjects for Hollywood scriptwriters (think The Wolf of Wall Street, Ocean’s Eleven and Catch Me If You Can), but there’s nothing enjoyable about being conned and fleeced in real life. On the latest figures available, Australians lose over $10 million every month to scammers. There are plenty of rackets running at…

Making the most of a windfall

March 5, 2019
Who among us hasn’t daydreamed about receiving a windfall? In reality, people receive large sums of money in the form of inheritances, redundancy payouts and lottery wins all the time. Yet many soon find themselves back in their pre-windfall financial position. To take a recent example, 28-year-old Victorian Brodie Bond burned through a $220,000 inheritance…

Don’t short change your medium term goals

February 13, 2019
When it comes to setting financial priorities, medium-term goals often suffer from middle child syndrome, not taken as seriously as the oldest or indulged as much as the youngest.  The serious long-term goal of saving for retirement gets lots of attention, and rightly so. It’s super important. And next year’s trip to Bali will be…
Financial rules to live by in 2019

Financial Rules to live by in 2019

January 15, 2019
Australia has enjoyed almost three decades of economic sunshine. But it’s worth remembering that dark clouds can appear without warning over both individuals and economies. You may have little control over being caught up in a round of redundancies or experiencing the fallout of an international trade war. But you can choose to manage your…
Retirement Lifestyle

Can you afford your dream retirement

December 6, 2018
Planning your dream retirement can be an exciting time. The chance to travel overseas or around Australia without having to rush back to work, time to pursue new hobbies, learn a language or spend time with the grandkids. The possibilities are endless, but what will it cost? Working out how much you will need to…
Financially Savy Young Adults

Fostering financially savvy young adults

November 8, 2018
From student debt to new technology and landing that first job, today’s young Australians are transitioning into adulthood in a world very different from the one their parents entered. While economies and societies might change, the principles of managing one’s personal finances stay the same.

How to Talk with Children about Money

October 8, 2018
One of the big issues we speak with clients about is their children relationship with money. The Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) this year for Financial Planning week decided to focus its attention on this matter and has released some valuable information on this.

10 Years Ago – The Global Financial Crisis

October 3, 2018
Thinking about the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) still puts shivers down my spine and it not something I will ever forget. We have learned the lessons of the GFC in how we approach investing your money but still there are some important lessons here written about by Dr. Shane Oliver well worth the read.

Is your money personality set in stone?

August 16, 2018
Our upbringings hugely influence the attitudes we have towards money. Did you observe your parents working hard to put food on the table? Was money a cause of conflict in your household? Was it spent Complimentaryly, or were budgets obeyed?

FIRED up for financial independence

August 16, 2018
Millennials are often accused of living for the present and wasting their money on smashed avocado. So it may come as a surprise that younger Australians are at the vanguard of a growing movement committed to the old-fashioned virtues of thrift and saving, but with a modern twist.

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