Enjoy the now and secure your future

June 3, 2024
Managing your financial situation always involves tension between how you live your life now and preparing for your future – whatever that looks like. The worry about not getting the balance right and making unnecessary sacrifices now – or not having enough money for the things you want to do in the future is a…

Setting yourself up for success in the new financial year

June 1, 2023
The start of a new financial year is the perfect time to get your financial affairs in order. Whether it’s tidying up your paperwork, assessing your portfolio or dealing with outstanding issues, there are plenty of practical actions you can take to set yourself up for the year ahead. Here are some strategies for starting…

Avoid the rush: Get ready for June 30

March 1, 2022
It seems like June 30 rolls around quicker every year, so why wait until the last minute to get your finances in order? With all the disruption and special support measures of the past two years, it’s possible your finances have changed. So it’s a good idea to ensure you’re on track for the upcoming…

The Rich Life Vol 49

September 3, 2021
It’s September and spring is here, providing a welcome lift in spirits. After some spectacular…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 45

May 4, 2021
May is here and in cooler regions the colours of autumn are all around. In Canberra, Treasurer…

Hugh’s Views ‘One Year On’ – Video

April 13, 2021
Our very own Hugh Robertson provides his views on the year that was, where we’ve been and where we’re heading. As always, the team at Centaur Financial Services are always here to help and answer any queries that you may have. If you do have any questions or concerns, please reach out and get in…
Hugh Robertson - Media

Why buyers should think twice before taking out a low-deposit home loan – The New Daily

March 23, 2021
Hugh shared some knowledge in The New Daily article, ‘Why buyers should think twice before taking out a low-deposit home loan’. Beware of the hazards Centaur Financial Services managing director Hugh Robertson told The New Daily many low-deposit holders approach housing with a short-term mindset. As a result, they have neglected to factor in the effect of…

Quick Market Update – Video

March 16, 2021
With the market volatility that has been seen of late, we wanted to give you a quick update from Hugh directly, which will hopefully put your mind at ease and remind you that the team at Centaur Financial Services are always here to help and answer any queries that you may have. We hope this…
Superannuation Planning

Superannuation Announcement

February 26, 2021
With yesterday’s announcement of the AWOTE (Average Weekly Ordinary Time Earnings) figure for the December 2020 quarter, the super contributions caps are set to increase from 1 July 2021 as follows: Concessional cap increases from $25,000pa to $27,500pa Standard NCC (non-concessional contribution) cap increases from $100,000pa to $110,000pa Max NCC (non-concessional contribution) cap under bring…

September 2019

September 9, 2019
It’s September and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into the garden or the great outdoors. It’s also a good time to plan your summer break. August was a challenging month for investors. Global markets reacted negatively to an escalation in the US-China trade war and…
Financial planning, gold coast, hugh robertson

Time for an annual tune-up?

July 2, 2019
We don’t think twice about taking our car in for a regular tune up. Why? Because we know it’s going to mean our car runs at its best and saves unexpected problems down the track. It follows then that we should take the same approach to other areas of our lives. From our goals, to…
Financial Planning, AOTY, Adviser of the year, financial adviser, gold coast, palm beach

May 2019 – Financial Planning News

May 7, 2019
In this issue: How much super is enough? How to spot a scam Artificial intelligence: the future of finance May is here, and as the weather begins to cool the political climate is heating up. The federal election on May 18 bookends a busy period on the national political and economic front which began with…

Artificial intelligence – the future of finance

May 7, 2019
We often like to think of artificial intelligence as some fantasy of the distant future, the stuff of sci-fi movies. But the reality is, it’s already here. From flight comparison websites to predictive text, AI is everywhere, but what is it exactly?  AI is the development of computer systems that have the ability to perform…

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