Hugh chatted with Melissa Jenkins of The New Daily to discuss and share some knowledge and insights about renewable energy investing.
According to The New Daily, Climate change is an issue so big, you can feel powerless to make any sort of difference as just one human. But there are things you can do with your money to ensure you are supporting the planet rather than adding to the problem.
The New Daily talks with our very own Hugh Robertson
Excerpt below
“As the world’s largest mining company, BHP, announced it would sell out of gas and oil, Centaur Financial Services managing director Hugh Robertson said using wealth to support advances such as renewable energy was the future of investing.”
“I’m not a greenie or anything like that, and I certainly have never been, but when I start thinking about the future of my children it’s a pretty scary place and I think, ‘Alright, I need to do what I can to help’,” he said.
“We can be the people who say we want something a little bit better for the next generation.”
“Mr Robertson said it is important to dig into exactly which stocks an ETF holds, as you cannot assume resource companies will be off limits, for example.”
Click here to read the full article
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