Ready, Set, Goals – Is it time for a mid-year check-in?

July 1, 2024
Making time throughout the year to review and reassess the goals you set at the beginning of the year is just as important as setting the goals themselves. Now is the perfect time to reflect on what you’ve achieved to date and determine whether you’re still on track to achieving some or all of them…

Enjoy the now and secure your future

June 3, 2024
Managing your financial situation always involves tension between how you live your life now and preparing for your future – whatever that looks like. The worry about not getting the balance right and making unnecessary sacrifices now – or not having enough money for the things you want to do in the future is a…

Caught in the middle: help for the sandwich generation

May 1, 2024
If you are feeling a bit like the meat in the sandwich you are not alone. The ‘sandwich generation’ is a growing social phenomenon that impacts people from all walks of life, describing those at a stage of their lives where they are caring for their offspring as well as their elderly parents. The phenomenon…

What’s all the noise about loud budgeting?

May 1, 2024
Loud budgeting is a trend that may have started as a joke but is being embraced by those who want to share their financial goals and priorities and in doing so, also improve their chances of achieving them. It was comedian and writer Lukas Battle who brought the term “loud budgeting” to the world in…

Dive into deep focus to unlock your true potential

April 2, 2024
Phone buzzing, emails constantly popping up, ongoing chats with colleagues, responding to meeting invites and all the while trying to work on that report. Sound familiar? While we’ve all become reasonably proficient at multitasking in this digital age, numerous commentators are pointing to the toll the constant distractions are having on our productivity and the…

Evidence-based ways to hold back the hands of time

March 1, 2024
You can’t stop the clock, so the saying goes, but humanity has spent a long time trying to slow down or even reverse the effects of aging. Even today it can be hard to distinguish those measures that work from those that may not work and avoid those that may be downright dangerous! Fortunately, science-based…

Tax changes – what it will mean to me

February 9, 2024
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced proposed changes to address ongoing cost of living pressures with all 13.6 million Australian taxpayers receiving a tax cut from 1 July 2024, compared to the tax they paid in 2023-24.i Now is the time to assess what it means to your hip pocket and what implications it may…
Gold Coast Financial Planning

The Rich Life Vol 77

January 12, 2024
There is a lot to look forward to in 2024 and we would like to wish you good health, happiness and prosperity for the year ahead. There were some welcome positives to be found in 2023. The year ended on a good note for property investors in Perth, Adelaide and Brisbane where house prices rose…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Out with the old in 2024

January 12, 2024
A New Year is a chance to start afresh and move into the year ahead with confidence and optimism that it’s going to be a great one! Part of setting yourself up for a wonderful year can sometimes be letting go things in your life that are not so beneficial for you and may be…

Gifting from the heart

December 8, 2023
“Everyone can experience the joy and blessing of generosity; because everyone has something to give.”– Jan Grace For many of us the festive season is a joyous time of hanging up decorations, wrapping presents and spending time with loved ones. For others it can be one of the hardest times of the year. So, amongst…

Powering down for a relaxing holiday

December 8, 2023
It’s nice to enjoy a break over the summer months. In fact, it’s an Aussie tradition – that mass exodus after Boxing Day that sees us head off for some well-earned rest and relaxation. However, it can be hard to unwind when we have a device in our pocket buzzing away every couple of minutes….

How to give back

December 8, 2023
Australia is a giving country, but we often give in kind rather than financially. Whenever there is a disaster here or overseas, Australians rush to donate their time, household goods and cash. However, we still lag other countries when it comes to giving money. According to Philanthropy Australia, our total financial giving as a percentage…

Yours, mine & ours – estate and succession planning for modern families

October 2, 2023
Navigating complex family relationships and blended families can be challenging at times and particularly when a family member dies. A good estate plan can help to make sure your wishes are carried out when you die. An estate plan, of which a will is the first and most important part, can ensure your estate is…

When enough is never enough

October 2, 2023
How much is enough? It’s a good question. Our relationship with our finances can be a tricky one. Everyone has a different idea of how much it takes to be comfortable or even well off. Given it is something that has such a strong influence on how we live our lives it’s unsurprising that money,…

Ignite your entrepreneurial spirit

October 2, 2023
Entrepreneurs have long been instrumental in changing the way we live and work. Just think about Thomas Edison’s inventions when you switch on a light, the contribution of Henry Ford to the motor industry as you jump behind the wheel of your car, or even the way Steve Jobs transformed computers as you open your…

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