Gold Coast Financial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 57

April 29, 2022
Welcome to our May newsletter, and while the weather is cooling the economic and political landscape is heating up. All eyes are on interest rates as the federal election campaign shifts into top gear ahead of the May 21 polling day. The economic event that overshadowed all others in April was the release of the…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Avoiding emotional bias in financial decision making

April 29, 2022
Our emotions colour every aspect of our lives including our financial lives. Recognising how emotions can influence your financial decision-making puts your rational side back in the driver’s seat and can help you to achieve positive outcomes in business and your personal finances. So where do our feelings about our finances come from? We are…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Thriving on social connection

April 29, 2022
The phrase ‘no man is an island’ is from a poem written by John Donne and expresses the idea that humans need to be part of a community to thrive. That’s certainly true, by nature we are social creatures and connection is a core human need. So why do some many of us feel alone…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Sowing the seeds of succession

April 29, 2022
Succession planning can be difficult at the best of times without dealing with the added pressures farmers have recently faced with droughts, fires and floods. And that’s why it is even more important to plan early and get it right when you are on the land. You are not just dealing with a business, but…

One in five of us feel peer pressure to spend. Here are four tips to help – The New Daily

March 18, 2022
Hugh joins Sezen Bakan as he shares some knowledge and tips in The New Daily article, ‘One in five of us feel peer pressure to spend. Here are four tips to help’. According to The New Daily, one in five Australians have gone into debt or spent more than they can afford to keep up…

When someone passes away

February 2, 2022
When a loved one passes away, the last thing you want to be thinking about is the responsibilities that might fall upon you. Sometimes, having to think about the practicalities of what you need to do during your time of bereavement can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. We are here to tell you that this…
Health and Well-being

Investing in your health pays off

February 2, 2022
Investing the time, effort and the necessary expenses to maintain peak mental and physical health is one of the most significant investments you will ever make. And the good news is, any steps you take now, start to pay immediate dividends. We encourage you to think about your financial investments in terms of working towards…
Relocation plans

Tree change or sea change on the horizon?

February 2, 2022
Australians are leaving capital cities in droves in a phenomenon being referred to as ‘The Great Relocation’. However, there’s a lot to consider beyond the obvious appeal of waking up to the laughter of kookaburras or enjoying a long walk on the beach. The terms ‘sea change’ or ‘tree change’ have been around for a…
November 2021

The Rich Life Vol 51

November 2, 2021
It’s November and we’re off with the race that stops a nation. While this is normally a given, the fact that the Spring Carnival is going ahead, and overseas travel is back on the agenda, is a welcome sign that Australia is getting back to business. All eyes were on the September quarter inflation figures…
October News 2021

The Rich Life Vol 50

October 1, 2021
It’s October and with grand finals season almost over the countdown to summer begins. Despite ongoing lockdowns, rising vaccination rates are paving the way for the re-opening of borders and business. September was a mixed bag on the economic front. After reaching record highs in August, global sharemarkets stumbled in late September. There are concerns…
Lifestyle Decisions.

Decision making your way to the best outcome!

October 1, 2021
Throughout our lives, making a decision is something we do thousands of times a day. Our first thought occurs as soon as we wake, and our final thought when we drift off to sleep. Researchers have found on average, that most people will have approximately 6,200 thoughts per day.i Having so many thoughts requires us…

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