The Rich Life Vol 73

September 12, 2023
September is upon us, and spring is in the air. It’s time to shake off the winter cobwebs, get out into the garden or the great outdoors. Meanwhile, AFL and NRL fans will be hoping the sun shines on their team this finals season. After endless gloomy forecasts, there was a glimmer of hope last…

The 1% rule – tiny changes add up to a BIG difference

September 12, 2023
Personal transformation can be challenging. We all have habits we’d like to break and behaviours we’d like to do more of. But when we do some self-examination and think about what is involved in navigating change, it can seem overwhelming to get to where we need to be, whether that is personally or professionally. That’s…

The Rich Life Vol 72

August 1, 2023
Welcome to our August newsletter and, with winter winding up and tax returns on the way for some, there may be sunnier days ahead. While the price of most goods and services continues to rise, the good news is the rate of increase is continuing to slow and the markets are beginning to breathe a…

Harnessing the power of LinkedIn to build your personal brand

August 1, 2023
Linkedin is a powerful tool to help you establish and maintain your reputation and develop your career and business. So, if you either don’t yet have a presence on Linkedin or suspect you may not be getting the best out of the platform, we’ve got a few tips for you! LinkedIn was created in 2003…

Making conscious the unconscious for better decisions

July 4, 2023
When you’re faced with a decision, do you trust your feelings or do you look at the situation objectively, making a careful list of pros and cons? Emotions exert a strong influence on our decisions, so it’s important to have a bit of balance between reason and emotion – particularly when it comes to the…

Managing the costs of raising children

July 4, 2023
It is a special feeling to welcome a new child or grandchild into the world and watch them grow. Sharing their joy as they reach new milestones is priceless. Of course, there is a real cost – raising a child is expensive, particularly now as the cost-of-living spirals higher. Estimates vary widely from the few…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 69

May 9, 2023
As the days get shorter and temperatures begin to fall, Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers is working to complete his second Budget, due to be delivered this evening – Tuesday 9 May. All eyes were on the Reserve Bank board as it met prior to the Federal Budget to decide whether or not to increase the…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Avoiding the “urgency” trap

May 9, 2023
“I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.” — Dwight D. Eisenhower For most of us managing our time means dealing with the million and one little things demanding our attention, which often takes our focus away from the vitally important…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Why an emergency fund delivers peace of mind

May 2, 2023
When life tosses up an unexpected event – such as retrenchment, a medical emergency or even just a big bill to fix the car – it can be nerve-wracking worrying about how to deal with the crisis. And, if funds are short, that just adds to the stress. But imagine that you have a secret…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Getting your bounce back

May 2, 2023
Life is pretty frantic, and it is common to feel like it’s a struggle to keep up the pace. In fact, feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym, TATT, which stands for “tired all the time”. While it’s somewhat comforting to know you’re not alone, it’s certainly not a nice feeling,…
Gold Coast FInancial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 68

April 4, 2023
Welcome to our April newsletter, where the days are getting shorter and there is a bit of a nip in the air. Share markets in Australia and overseas have rallied to end the month in a better position as the global banking system steadies itself and there are expectations of a tempering in rate rises….
Gold Coast FInancial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 67

March 1, 2023
With Autumn underway, the changing season is a reminder to take stock and prepare for what’s ahead as the financial year heads towards its final quarter and the May Federal Budget. The gloomy prospects for economic growth, both in Australia and overseas, are occupying the minds of investors, businesses and political leaders. The Reserve Bank…
Gold Coast FInancial Planners

Trust your gut to boost your health

March 1, 2023
Gut health has become one of the hottest health topics in recent years as we have started to learn about the complex connection between gut health and overall health. So why is gut health so important and how can we support and boost our own microbiomes? Firstly, what exactly is a microbiome? The human microbiome…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

The Rich Life Vol 66

February 1, 2023
February marks the end of summer holidays for many of us and getting down to business for 2023. It can be a good time to reflect on plans and goals for the months ahead. From a business perspective, we are delighted to officially welcome Nick Georgopoulos to the team as our newest Financial Adviser. Nick…
Gold Coast Financial Planners

Raising resilient kids

February 1, 2023
We all want the very best for our kids and as much as we would like to shield them from the difficult aspects of life, sadly we can’t keep them from facing challenges along the way – both big and small. The term ‘helicopter’ parenting has been bandied around a bit in recent years and…

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