Big Four Banks and QSuper leaving the party?

October 14, 2020
2020 has been a year like no other. A global pandemic, Australia’s first recession in nearly 30 years, record low interest rates, volatility in both shares and property markets, and even job security is coming into question. For retirees it can be a very daunting process.    The Big Four Banks and QSuper Recently we…

How super is your life insurance?

September 9, 2019
For most people, life insurance provides a safety net against unexpected events. This is particularly the case if you have a mortgage, debts or family who are dependent on you earning an income.  In many cases, life insurance has been automatically offered through superannuation. Although 85 per cent of people hold life insurance this way,…
Superannuation, retirement planning, financial planning

How much super is enough?

May 7, 2019
Most of us dream of the day we can stop working and start ticking off our bucket list. Whether you dream of cruising Alaska, watching the sun rise over Uluru, improving your golf handicap or spending time with the grandkids, superannuation is likely to be a major source of your retirement income.  The more money…
Morrison Shorten

The Major Parties’ Superannuation and Tax Policies

April 26, 2019
The federal election has been called for May 18 and both major parties have outlined their superannuation and tax policies. With the federal election only weeks away many of our clients have been asking what the major political parties’ policies are that may impact their SMSF, individual taxation circumstances or personal investments. It is getting…
Downsizing Gold Coast Financial Adviser Financial Advisor

Downsizing – Is it right for you?

May 2, 2018
Luxury inner city apartments marketed as ‘perfect for empty nesters’. TV shows where cool older divorcees live in luxury on the waterfront. The ‘grey nomads’ community selling up and taking off in their camper vans. Even twenty years ago, the idea of downsizing wasn’t really part of our culture. The parental home was something to…

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